USB Drive SyncPlaylist 8.9 is the latest version


USB Drive SyncPlaylist now suppots M3U, M3U8, ZPL and WPL formats.


USB Drive SyncPlaylist is designed to sync, copy, transfer working Playlists and associated media to a USB Thumb Drive. This USB Drive can then be used in automobiles that recoginize playlists. USB Drive SyncPlaylist will also create Ordered Playlist Folders for use in all automobiles with a USB input port.  USB Drive SyncPlaylist is network compatible and can be used with Media Servers.  USB Drive SyncPlaylist also works for many other devices besides automobiles.

Note: Windows 10  Groove Music Playlists need to be saved as ZPL files and Windows 11 "Media Player App" Playlists need to be saved as M3U8 files.  You may want to use Window Media Player to create playlists.  Window Media Player can be found under Start - All apps - Windows Accessories - Window Media Player,  SyncPlaylist is also iTunes comapatible as well as any apps that produce a supported playlist.




SyncPlaylist Screen Shot